DC Comprehensive Plan

Increased Green Space

Encourage preservation and improvement of existing green spaces in Eckington. Identify new opportunities for additional public green space and tree planting throughout the neighborhood.
(2017.7 Policy: MC-2.7.4)

Mid-City (Eckington) Planning Area

Mid-City needs greening. This Planning Area has a very high percentage of impervious surface coverage and lost much of its tree cover during the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. Tree planting is needed to reduce urban runoff, create shade, remove air pollutants, and create beauty in the neighborhoods.

The community is in need of additional parkland. Mid-City is the densest part of Washington, DC, but the ratio of park acreage per resident is among the lowest in the District.

Throughout the community, innovative approaches such as land trusts and easements should be considered to improve open space access.
(Mid-City District Elements)

Alley Use

Discourage the conversion of alleys into private yards or developable land when the alleys are part of the historic fabric of the neighborhood and would otherwise continue to perform their intended functions... Support the greening of residential alleys where feasible to enhance sustainability and stormwater management.
(311.8 Policy LU-2.2.7)

Alley Greening

Investigate the adoption of regulations that allow for resident greening and controlled vehicular access of alleyways to promote neighborhood community life.
(903.23 Action UD-1.1.C)